Saturday, October 20, 2012

Spiritual Maturity & Companions

::She seeks daily understanding, wisdom & insight of who she is
.:::She reads the Word of God daily.
:::She increases her knowledge by reading Biblical based books - led by the spirit.
:::She lives her life as a spirit and not as a carnal - flesh driven babe.
:::Her days are never casual but purposed.
:::She understands & comprehends that she is one with The Father.
:::She gives God the glory that is due His name.
:::She will praise God anytime, anywhere and around anybody.
:::Her 'God sent' companions increase her faith instead of testing her faith.
:::She boldly proclaims the good news of the gospel when the opportunity presents itself.
:::She is an intercessor. She doesn't just pray she intercedes.
:::She has a revelation that no love compares to the love of the Father. Therefore, she keeps Him and knowing Him her priority .
:::She walks in the dominion she has been given by God. She rejects lack, sickness, 'not enough', strife and lies.
:::She understands that a 'peaceable state' and a 'quiet mouth' are umpires for right choices as well as weapons in spiritual warfare.
God Sent Companions (response to comment above):
Spiritually Mature Sons of God (Men & Women) have the ability to discern between good and evil. Between God sent companions (divine appointments & connections) and demonically influenced companions sent by the devil to draw you back."But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." Hebrews 5:14
All born again believers have this ability -'not gift' -but ability. Some have the spiritual gift 'discerning of spirits' as revealed in I Corinthians 12:10 but, all have the ability to discern/know right from wrong - good from evil. The more mature you are in the Word - not how long you have been saved - but how long you have been obeying the Word of God will display your level of maturity as well as your ability to know who's divine and who is not.

This level comes only with a right relationship with the Holy Spirit. He imparts us with all that is spiritual. He is the Spirit of Truth and He will unction you when you are dealing with anything or anyone that is not from the Source of truth.

A few key reference scriptures:
You know them by their fruit... Matt. 7:15-20
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers... -2 Cor. 6:14
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
-I Cor. 15:33

PS. God will never send anyone in your life to tempt you. God is not the tempter - satan is. -James 1:13-15
This brief teaching does not exhaust this topic. There is so much more to share that it could be a book. This is what I was led to share for now.

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